
- cybersecurity (PCC, in process)
- data science (UCSD/edx, 2020)
- computer information systems (PCC, 2017)
- artist residency, likewise, portland (2015)
- PDXsynesthesia, portland (2014)
- crisisart festival, arezzo (2011)

physics hobbyist & amateur enthusiast. pursuing cosmology phd. my interest is in static redshift models, i think leaving out expansion & inflation (or recharacterizing them as dynamic gravity) might be a promising avenue to new physics. this is the "modified newtonian dynamics" corner of physics, although i prefer broader terms like modified gravity. i try to keep up with CERN, neutrino observatories, & LIGO.

fun facts... i studied theater for undergrad (university of utah), & i was a background extra in high school musical & halloweentown 3 (halloweentown high).